To get a job and complete your search successfully, you have to put together an actual plan, a campaign, that consists of 5 separate components. This will, at the very least, give you a sense of traction in a process that typically has so few “road markers” to let you know how you are doing or what you can do next.

1. Personal Networking: Identify and build a contact tree of people you know professionally, and even personally, who could be helpful in getting wider distribution of your resume and putting you in front of the people you need to connect with. Never let a contact line go cold!

2. Recruiters: Research and contact professional recruiters who may have leads to great opportunities and can act as the “middle man” with corporations that need someone like yourself. Keep in mind, though, that recruiters are only as good as the openings they have available. Check out the Directory of Executive Recruiters for specific info.

3. Online Posting/Surfing: Go online and sift through all the services available for posting your resume, such as, and others. This option is particularly attractive if you don’t care who knows you are looking; it is also sort of like online dating – lots of smoke and some fire. However, you are looking for only 1 job!

4. National Newspaper Want-Ads: Scan through the job opening in such resources as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, National Business Employment Weekly, Crain’s Business and other national publications. You never know where you will dig up that “golden contact” that leads to your new position.

5. Community Networking Groups: Check out what is available as a job search network through your local area, such as those organized by churches, community and non-profit entities. With today’s crazy economy, these types of meetings can be useful for connecting with people you may not usually interact with.

The goal is always more exposure, not less, in the job search. You can always say “No” to an opportunity, but you will never get to say “Yes” if your resume is not in front of the right person at the right time.